Wenche talked about a few of the differences between the U.S. and Denmark but the one that I thought was particularly interesting was when she talked about how Danes talk openly talk about any subject with one another. Unlike here, they don't feel awkward talking about politics, religion, race, or sexual orientation. She said that people over there keep in mind that another person's thoughts on these subjects are just opinions and they don't take them personally.
Since I have lived in the U.S. my whole life, this concept seems alien to me. I feel that, in this country, everyone is afraid to voice their opinions because they are worried that someone else will be offended. I think it is great that Denmark hasn't become so "politically correct" that they can't have conversations about real subjects.
I don't believe Americans are afraid to voice their opinion, they are simply much more cognizant of the fact that others have different views. Publicly voicing a strong view in Denmark where 95% of the population shares a Scandinavian and Christian background is much different than doing so in the U.S. For example, caucasians only made up 50% of my high school demographic (this is actually very low), and so adamantly bad mouthing Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Korea, or China would not be tolerated for very long by one's peers or faculty. I question if the reaction would be as intense or quick to happen in a Scandinavian school.