Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Introduction: Nina Randorf

Hello Everyone!

My name is Nina Randorf, a second year Civil and Environmental Engineering major. I hope to concentrate on construction management within my degree and work on field sites overseas. I took a gap year after high school and met so many people and made many new close friends from all over eastern Europe. I registered for this class a bit late because of a mix up with my degree requirements but, considering my background, I am a extremely happy to be able to take this course. I've spent a lot of time with East Asian studies and engineering so I'm looking forward to a change of topics! This is my very first (and last?) U Michigan humanity course, so I guess this experience will be bittersweet.

See you all Monday,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Nina,

    You're going to love this class - I'm so glad you switched in!

